Вы можете заказать услугу по профессиональной сборке и установке техники у наших партнеров - компании «Служба установки бытовой техники».
Информацию по установке вы можете уточнить у менеджеров нашего магазина при подтверждении заказа или непосредственно у наших партнеров.
Контактная информация по вопросам установки техники:
Телефоны: +7 (495) 204-36-17, +7 (495) 505-51-40
Электронная почта: d68s@mail.ru
График работы: с 8:00 до 22:00 (без выходных)
Производитель | Kramer |
Цвет | черный |
Тип | кабель
Разъем 1 | HDMI
Разъем 2 | HDMI
Длина кабеля | 7.6
Плоский кабель HDMI c поддержкой Ethernet и обратного аудиоканала (HEAC) предназначен для малозаметной прокладки. Его можно с легкостью пропустить через стену, под ковром, вокруг углов.
Макс. разрешение — 4K@60Гц (4:2:0)
Высокое качество изготовления - контакты не окисляются и обеспечивают безукоризненное соединение
Высокое качество изготовления - плоский кабель, устроенный так, что перекрестные помехи и наводки в нем ниже, чем в обычных кабелях HDMI круглого сечения
Кабель класса High Speed HDMI (по определению стандарта HDMI 1.4)
Поддержка передачи сети Ethernet (100 Мбит/с) и обратного аудиоканала согласно стандарту версии 1.4 (для аппаратуры, которая поддерживает данные расширения). Для более старой аппаратуры кабель ведет себя как обычный кабель HDMI
Отзывов пока нет
Стоимость доставки включает курьерскую доставку до подъезда в пределах МКАД. Подъем на этаж оплачивается отдельно, зависит от габаритов товара и наличия лифта. Полную информацию смотрите на отдельной странице.
Сроки доставки зависят от товара и времени заказа, большую часть товаров, заказанную до 16:00 мы можем доставить в течение 2 рабочих дней.
Выезд за МКАД оплачивается отдельно, из расчета 30 руб за километр.
Итоговая сумма доставки по области складывается из стоимости доставки в пределах МКАД и стоимости километража.
В зависимости от вашего местонахождения срок доставки может быть увеличен.
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select `ps`.`slug` from `pages_shadow` as `ps` where `ps`.`url` = 'https://testmarket.site/catalog/product/kabel-hdmi-hdmi-kramer-c-hm-hm-flat-eth-25' and deleted_at IS NULL limit 1
1.48mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `products` where `slug` = 'kabel-hdmi-hdmi-kramer-c-hm-hm-flat-eth-25' and `products`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
740μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_property_values` where `product_property_values`.`product_id` in ('697410')
380μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_rrc_prices` where `product_rrc_prices`.`product_id` in ('697410')
320μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_comments` where `hidden` = '0' and `product_comments`.`product_id` in ('697410') and `product_comments`.`deleted_at` is null
390μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_brands` where `product_brands`.`id` in ('9838') and `product_brands`.`deleted_at` is null
330μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_images` where `absent` = '0' and `product_images`.`product_id` in ('697410') order by `primary` desc
460μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_defects` where `product_defects`.`product_id` in ('697410') and `product_defects`.`deleted_at` is null
320μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `products`.*, `product_similars`.`product_id` as `pivot_product_id`, `product_similars`.`similar_product_id` as `pivot_similar_product_id` from `products` inner join `product_similars` on `products`.`id` = `product_similars`.`similar_product_id` where `product_similars`.`product_id` in ('697410') and `products`.`deleted_at` is null
500μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where `product_categories`.`id` in ('670') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null
340μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `eav_attribute_categories` where `eav_attribute_categories`.`category_id` in ('670')
350μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `eav_attributes` where `eav_attributes`.`id` in ('18038', '18039', '18040', '18041', '18042')
340μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
340μstest-marketMetadata | |
Hints |
select * from `products` where `active` = '1' and `price` > '0' and `id` = '35' and `products`.`category_id` in ('697410') and `products`.`deleted_at` is null
380μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select exists(select * from `blocked_brands` where `blocked_brands`.`brand_id` = '9838' and `start_date` <= '2025-03-15' and `end_date` >= '2025-03-15') as `exists`
280μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
update `products` set `views` = `views` + 1, `updated_at` = '2025-03-15 06:37:05' where `id` = '697410' and `products`.`deleted_at` is null
1.09mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select exists(select * from `tax_methods` where `active` = '1' and `method` = '7' and `price_from` <= '4875' and `price_to` >= '4875' and `mrg_from` <= '25') as `exists`
410μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `product_seo` where `product_seo`.`product_id` = '697410' limit 1
420μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select exists(select * from `tax_methods` where `active` = '1' and `method` = '7' and `price_from` <= '4875' and `price_to` >= '4875' and `mrg_from` <= '25') as `exists`
290μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `product_fix_prices` where `product_fix_prices`.`product_id` = '697410' and `product_fix_prices`.`product_id` is not null limit 1
320μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select exists(select * from `tax_methods` where `active` = '1' and `method` = '7' and `price_from` <= '4875' and `price_to` >= '4875' and `mrg_from` <= '25') as `exists`
330μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select exists(select * from `product_prices` where `product_prices`.`warehouse_id` = '212' and `product_prices`.`warehouse_id` is not null) as `exists`
480μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `product_prices` where `product_prices`.`warehouse_id` = '212' and `product_prices`.`warehouse_id` is not null limit 1
320μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `warehouses` where `warehouses`.`id` = '212' and `warehouses`.`id` is not null and `warehouses`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
440μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `tax_methods` where `type_id` = '1' and `msk` = '1' and `active` = '1' order by `sort` asc
410μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `tax_methods` where `type_id` = '2' and `msk` = '1' and `active` = '1' order by `sort` asc
390μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select exists(select * from `tax_methods` where `active` = '1' and `method` = '7' and `price_from` <= '4875' and `price_to` >= '4875' and `mrg_from` <= '25') as `exists`
450μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select `key`, `value` from `auction_options` where `active` = '1'
330μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `tax_methods` where `type_id` = '1' and `msk` = '1' and `active` = '1' order by `sort` asc
340μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `tax_methods` where `type_id` = '2' and `msk` = '1' and `active` = '1' order by `sort` asc
380μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select exists(select * from `tax_methods` where `active` = '1' and `method` = '7' and `price_from` <= '4875' and `price_to` >= '4875' and `mrg_from` <= '25') as `exists`
310μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'switch_delivery_date_print_for_user_by_warehouse' limit 1
320μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'warehouse_base_exchange' limit 1
320μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `delivery_categories` where `delivery_categories`.`id` = '1' limit 1
290μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select exists(select * from `order_delivery_methods` where `active` = '1' and `city` = 'msk' and `delivery_type` = '2' and `order_delivery_methods`.`deleted_at` is null) as `exists`
350μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'switch_delivery_date_print_for_user_by_warehouse' limit 1
260μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `order_delivery_methods` where `active` = '1' and `city` = 'msk' and `delivery_type` = '2' and `order_delivery_methods`.`deleted_at` is null
340μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('4806' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '670') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
770μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('4806' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '670') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
660μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('4806' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '670') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
650μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('4806' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '670') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
630μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('4806' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '670') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
610μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('4806' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '670') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
640μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'param_ready_kit_switcher' limit 1
320μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'param_ready_kit_max_count' limit 1
270μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `category_advices` where `category_advices`.`category_id` = '670' and `category_advices`.`category_id` is not null
360μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where `product_categories`.`id` = '123' and `product_categories`.`id` is not null and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
310μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where `product_categories`.`id` = '112' and `product_categories`.`id` is not null and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
350μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where `product_categories`.`id` is null and `product_categories`.`id` is not null and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
230μstest-marketMetadata | |
Hints |
select * from `category_advices` where `category_advices`.`category_id` = '123' and `category_advices`.`category_id` is not null
290μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `category_advices` where `category_advices`.`category_id` = '112' and `category_advices`.`category_id` is not null
250μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_colors` where `product_colors`.`id` = '28' limit 1
270μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `eav_attributes` where `eav_attributes`.`id` in ('18038', '18039', '18040', '18041', '18042')
3.6mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `eav_values` where `eav_values`.`product_id` = '697410' and `eav_values`.`product_id` is not null
450μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `eav_attributes` where `eav_attributes`.`id` in ('18038', '18039', '18040', '18041')
340μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `eav_enums` where `eav_enums`.`attribute_id` in ('18038', '18039', '18040', '18041')
750μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'captcha_product_comments_panel' limit 1
390μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('4806' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '670') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
760μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'param_display_region_selection_block' limit 1
400μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'param_display_region_selection_block' limit 1
410μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'captcha_info_service' limit 1
400μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'param_display_talk_me_chat' limit 1
600μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'param_display_mango_multi_chat' limit 1
400μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |