Вы можете заказать услугу по профессиональной сборке и установке техники у наших партнеров - компании «Служба установки бытовой техники».
Информацию по установке вы можете уточнить у менеджеров нашего магазина при подтверждении заказа или непосредственно у наших партнеров.
Контактная информация по вопросам установки техники:
Телефоны: +7 (495) 204-36-17, +7 (495) 505-51-40
Электронная почта: d68s@mail.ru
График работы: с 8:00 до 22:00 (без выходных)
Производитель | DeWALT |
Цвет | серебристый |
Тип хвостовика | SDS-Max
Диаметр | 18
Общая длина | 340
Рабочая длина | 200
Бур DeWalt XLR (DT 60811) используется в перфораторах и отбойных молотках с системой крепления SDS-max для ударно-вращательного сверления. Бур оснащен увеличенной головкой с 4-мя резцами, что обеспечивает высокую скорость прохождения сквозь материал и долгий срок службы. Особая форма спирали ускоряет удаление продуктов сверления, уменьшая нагрев инструмента. Деформация бура от ударных нагрузок исключена за счет усиленного стального стержня. Предназначен для работы по бетону, граниту, кирпичной кладке и твердым известнякам. |
Отзывов пока нет
Стоимость доставки включает курьерскую доставку до подъезда в пределах МКАД. Подъем на этаж оплачивается отдельно, зависит от габаритов товара и наличия лифта. Полную информацию смотрите на отдельной странице.
Сроки доставки зависят от товара и времени заказа, большую часть товаров, заказанную до 16:00 мы можем доставить в течение 2 рабочих дней.
Выезд за МКАД оплачивается отдельно, из расчета 30 руб за километр.
Итоговая сумма доставки по области складывается из стоимости доставки в пределах МКАД и стоимости километража.
В зависимости от вашего местонахождения срок доставки может быть увеличен.
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select `ps`.`slug` from `pages_shadow` as `ps` where `ps`.`url` = 'https://testmarket.site/catalog/product/bur-sds-max-dewalt-18h200h340mm-xlr-dt-60811' and deleted_at IS NULL limit 1
2.99mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `products` where `slug` = 'bur-sds-max-dewalt-18h200h340mm-xlr-dt-60811' and `products`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
1.46mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_property_values` where `product_property_values`.`product_id` in ('257756')
1.66mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_properties` where `product_properties`.`id` in ('3045', '7608', '9726', '12807')
1.52mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_rrc_prices` where `product_rrc_prices`.`product_id` in ('257756')
1.01mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_comments` where `hidden` = '0' and `product_comments`.`product_id` in ('257756') and `product_comments`.`deleted_at` is null
730μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_brands` where `product_brands`.`id` in ('130') and `product_brands`.`deleted_at` is null
1.37mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_images` where `absent` = '0' and `product_images`.`product_id` in ('257756') order by `primary` desc
2.3mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_defects` where `product_defects`.`product_id` in ('257756') and `product_defects`.`deleted_at` is null
1.04mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select `products`.*, `product_similars`.`product_id` as `pivot_product_id`, `product_similars`.`similar_product_id` as `pivot_similar_product_id` from `products` inner join `product_similars` on `products`.`id` = `product_similars`.`similar_product_id` where `product_similars`.`product_id` in ('257756') and `products`.`deleted_at` is null
830μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where `product_categories`.`id` in ('800') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null
760μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `eav_attribute_categories` where `eav_attribute_categories`.`category_id` in ('800')
1.72mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `eav_attributes` where `eav_attributes`.`id` in ('5583', '5584', '5585', '5586')
690μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
600μstest-marketMetadata | |
Hints |
select * from `products` where `active` = '1' and `price` > '0' and `id` = '35' and `products`.`category_id` in ('257756') and `products`.`deleted_at` is null
970μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select exists(select * from `blocked_brands` where `blocked_brands`.`brand_id` = '130' and `start_date` <= '2025-03-15' and `end_date` >= '2025-03-15') as `exists`
610μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
update `products` set `views` = `views` + 1, `updated_at` = '2025-03-15 08:56:12' where `id` = '257756' and `products`.`deleted_at` is null
5.61mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `warehouses` where `warehouses`.`id` = '458' and `warehouses`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
2.86mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select exists(select * from `tax_methods` where `active` = '1' and `method` = '7' and `price_from` <= '3730' and `price_to` >= '3730' and `mrg_from` <= '42') as `exists`
340μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `product_seo` where `product_seo`.`product_id` = '257756' limit 1
260μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select exists(select * from `tax_methods` where `active` = '1' and `method` = '7' and `price_from` <= '3730' and `price_to` >= '3730' and `mrg_from` <= '42') as `exists`
280μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `product_fix_prices` where `product_fix_prices`.`product_id` = '257756' and `product_fix_prices`.`product_id` is not null limit 1
310μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select exists(select * from `tax_methods` where `active` = '1' and `method` = '7' and `price_from` <= '3730' and `price_to` >= '3730' and `mrg_from` <= '42') as `exists`
320μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select exists(select * from `product_prices` where `product_prices`.`warehouse_id` = '6' and `product_prices`.`warehouse_id` is not null) as `exists`
440μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `product_prices` where `product_prices`.`warehouse_id` = '6' and `product_prices`.`warehouse_id` is not null limit 1
270μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `warehouses` where `warehouses`.`id` = '6' and `warehouses`.`id` is not null and `warehouses`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
380μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `tax_methods` where `type_id` = '1' and `msk` = '1' and `active` = '1' order by `sort` asc
370μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `tax_methods` where `type_id` = '2' and `msk` = '1' and `active` = '1' order by `sort` asc
380μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select exists(select * from `tax_methods` where `active` = '1' and `method` = '7' and `price_from` <= '3730' and `price_to` >= '3730' and `mrg_from` <= '42') as `exists`
380μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `tax_methods` where `type_id` = '1' and `msk` = '1' and `active` = '1' order by `sort` asc
420μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `tax_methods` where `type_id` = '2' and `msk` = '1' and `active` = '1' order by `sort` asc
470μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select exists(select * from `tax_methods` where `active` = '1' and `method` = '7' and `price_from` <= '3730' and `price_to` >= '3730' and `mrg_from` <= '42') as `exists`
380μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'switch_delivery_date_print_for_user_by_warehouse' limit 1
300μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'warehouse_base_exchange' limit 1
370μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `delivery_categories` where `delivery_categories`.`id` = '1' limit 1
290μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select exists(select * from `order_delivery_methods` where `active` = '1' and `city` = 'msk' and `delivery_type` = '2' and `order_delivery_methods`.`deleted_at` is null) as `exists`
300μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'switch_delivery_date_print_for_user_by_warehouse' limit 1
280μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `order_delivery_methods` where `active` = '1' and `city` = 'msk' and `delivery_type` = '2' and `order_delivery_methods`.`deleted_at` is null
300μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('2221' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '800') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
450μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('2221' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '800') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
390μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('2221' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '800') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
420μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('2221' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '800') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
400μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('2221' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '800') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
440μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('2221' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '800') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
470μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'param_ready_kit_switcher' limit 1
380μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'param_ready_kit_max_count' limit 1
370μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `category_advices` where `category_advices`.`category_id` = '800' and `category_advices`.`category_id` is not null
420μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where `product_categories`.`id` = '230' and `product_categories`.`id` is not null and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
290μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where `product_categories`.`id` = '208' and `product_categories`.`id` is not null and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
460μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where `product_categories`.`id` = '167' and `product_categories`.`id` is not null and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
550μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where `product_categories`.`id` is null and `product_categories`.`id` is not null and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
510μstest-marketMetadata | |
Hints |
select * from `category_advices` where `category_advices`.`category_id` = '230' and `category_advices`.`category_id` is not null
920μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `category_advices` where `category_advices`.`category_id` = '208' and `category_advices`.`category_id` is not null
1.1mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `category_advices` where `category_advices`.`category_id` = '167' and `category_advices`.`category_id` is not null
650μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_colors` where `product_colors`.`id` = '18' limit 1
680μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `eav_attributes` where `eav_attributes`.`id` in ('5583', '5584', '5585', '5586')
830μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `eav_values` where `eav_values`.`product_id` = '257756' and `eav_values`.`product_id` is not null
1.22mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `eav_attributes` where `eav_attributes`.`id` in ('5583', '5584', '5585', '5586')
290μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `eav_enums` where `eav_enums`.`attribute_id` in ('5583', '5584', '5585', '5586')
450μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'captcha_product_comments_panel' limit 1
380μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `product_categories` where ('2221' between `_lft` and `_rgt` and `id` <> '800') and `product_categories`.`deleted_at` is null order by `_lft` asc
550μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'param_display_region_selection_block' limit 1
350μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'param_display_region_selection_block' limit 1
2.11mstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'captcha_info_service' limit 1
260μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'param_display_talk_me_chat' limit 1
340μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
select * from `main_configurations` where `name` = 'param_display_mango_multi_chat' limit 1
300μstest-marketMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |